How to develop a digital workplace strategy

Recently I posted on how to develop an intranet strategy and about Jane McConnell’s report ‘The Digital Workplace in the connected organisation‘.  So it is perhaps inevitable this post is about how you develop your strategy for a digital workplace.

A digital workplace strategy is different to an intranet strategy for the following reasons:

  1. A digital workplace is much wider than an intranet.  It may well have the intranet at its core but knowledge sharing and completing online processes are also covered by a digital workplace.
  2. A digital workplace will have a higher profile so more senior managers in your organisation will need and/or want to be involved as they can influence its direction.
  3. The impact of the digital workplace as a business tool will have a wider and sometime unforseen impact on the organisation and employees who use it.
  4. There will be more ‘sacred cows’ and ways people behave which they are very protective or defensive about which you will need to prepare good sound reasons for their removal or need to change.
  5. There will be a stronger expectation for you to justify and be able to show the benefits to the organisation for developing a digital workplace that you must include in your strategy.

There are some key principles which you need to include with your approach when creating a digital workplace strategy.  For more information read how to develop a digital workplace strategy.

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